Influenster J’Adore VoxBox


Influenster JAdoreVoxBox

Last year, I heard about an online review community to provide feedback and opinions for various products and experiences. Since I already do this through other areas of social media, I thought this would be a great place for me to share my thoughts on products that I love and some of those that I don’t love so much.

This community is called Influenster.

Influenster sent me a box full of goodies in February and asked me to give them a try and let them know what I thought about the products.

Trying out all of the products was pretty fun, and most were products that I hadn’t heard of or tried in the past. I wrote a review for each of the products that I tried.

The only one in the box that I never had the guts to try out was the Kiss Looks So Natural Lashes. I have sensitive, watery eyes, that are sometimes irritated even by eye makeup, so I knew trying to add lashes probably wouldn’t go so well. The rest of the box was full of win!

Hershey Kisses Milk Chocolate

Red Rose Simply Indulgent Teas

Boots Botanics Shine Away Ionic Clay Mask

John Frieda Frizz Ease 3-Day Straight Flat Iron Spray

Let me know if you’re interested in sharing your opinions on products through social media, and I can tell you how to sign up with Influenster. Keep in mind that there is never any guarantee what products they might send you to test or if they will send you products at all. Regardless, it’s definitely a great site to read reviews of products before making purchases, which is how I got started with the site.


I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

Under arms should not smell like food

Thank you for not smelling like fruit or vegetables. Under arms should not smell like food. #raiseyourarms

Thank you for not smelling like fruit or vegetables. Under arms should not smell like food. #raiseyourarms

Let’s talk about under arms, or arm pits if you would rather call them that. Yeah, it’s a weird opening, but we all have them, right? Girls take care of them differently than guys, so we’re concerned about different things. For me, I don’t like them to smell like fruit or vegetables.


I actually prefer my under arms not to have any scent at all, whether it be good or bad (especially bad). I don’t mind the Fresh scents that many deodorants and anti-perspirants offer, as long as the scent isn’t too strong. I’m kinda sensitive to smells when it’s something that I smell all day, so I don’t wear perfume for that reason. I don’t want my under arms smelling like anything, especially fruits or vegetables.

I was asked to give Dove Advanced Care Deodorant with Nutrium Moisture a try. I’m a long time fan of Dove, as much as anyone can be a fan of deodorant, and have used Dove deodorant for years. They offer the very mild Fresh scent that isn’t too strong, but it also keeps me from smelling like B.O., too. Right?

So I was excited to give their newer product a try! The most advertised feature was moisturizing under the arms, which I admit is not really something I have been concerned with in the past but wondered if maybe I should be more concerned. The Dove Advanced Care Deodorant with Nutrium Moisture went on smooth and kept my under arms soft all day. It lived up to the expectations that I had in that regard.

As far as keeping away all of the wetness, the results were about the same as compared to my regular Dove Invisible Solid, which means that some fabric types in the clothing I was wearing, I would still experience a little bit of unwanted moisture. Hey, I guess nothing is perfect – or maybe it’s just in my genes.

The one area that I felt the new product failed was in how long it lasted. I went through the regular sized Dove Advanced Care Deodorant with Nutrium Moisture in about a month’s time, where the Invisible Solids usually last about 1.5 to 2 times that long. Maybe it’s all that moisture that makes it glide on a little thicker than the regular? I’m not sure. I just know that the end of the stick was much closer than what I am used to experiencing.

All in all, it was a great experience! I am glad that I had a chance to try something new, especially a different variation of a much-loved staple in my fight against odor. If priced right, I might just try it again, but I always know that I have my faithful and reliable solid, as well.



I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.