My Story

This is the story behind starting this blog. I was inspired to start this blog after listening and learning about community through (in)courage. Sure, I’ve had blogs before, and I have other blogs still current that I post to from time to time, but I felt like I needed a blog to reach out to others like me. I’d like to form a community both online and inRL.

For many years I have struggled with not feeling that I have a community of women to give and receive support. It seems that it was so easy to do this when I was in high school and college, but what happens after graduation? I still keep in touch with many of the friendships that were created in those days, but we all chose different paths, and our lives don’t connect as often anymore.

Through this blogging journey, I have yet to find a church to call home. I watch the online services at CrossPoint Church and tried a couple of their Community Groups but nothing really felt right. In April 2013, I hosted an (in)RL meetup that has turned into my community of women to turn to for support, love, encouragement and lunch once a month. The three women who attended the meetup at my house are my rock, and I am blessed to have them in my life.

I have also become part of another community of women through The Little Black Dress Club. The club has several chapters across the US (including Nashville) and hosts events a few times a month, like dinner and a movie, weekend trips and other fun outings. I have met so many awesome women through the club. I also help write blog posts for The Little Black Dress Club blog and help out with the Nashville Chapter when needed. It’s always an adventure!

Since the blog’s beginning, I have written about a multitude of topics. The blog started as a written journey of re-discovering my faith in Christ, but it has turned into that and so much more as I re-discover facets of myself with each and every entry made. I don’t always post on a regular basis, but when I do post I try to make it worth the time and effort of myself and anyone who might read. Welcome!

“No doubt about it! God is good…But I nearly missed it, missed seeing His goodness. I was looking the other way, looking up to the people.” – Psalm 73:1-3 MSG

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